Creighton Farms in Aldie, VA hosted a “Cars & Cappuccino” that coincided with the “Mille Miglia Warm-up” in Fall of 2019.

The 1000 Miglia Warm Up USA started in Middleburg, Va., with a checkered flag in Washington, D.C. Not only is this a three-day haul covering 600 miles—compared to 1,000 miles in the Italian version—it is one that tests agility, performance and precision with a majority of the vehicles dating from 1927 to 1957. The jaunt is also an extreme assessment of mental acuity for the navigators, as the participant in the passenger seat is constantly following a detailed roadmap given to each team prior to start of the race…

The 1000 Miglia Warm Up was an opportunity to shed some light on the Italian rally in the case that it is not a traditional time trial or an event like any other. In the Italian version, the 1,000-mile event consists of many more challenging PCs as well as a shorter window to complete the mileage span needed to stay in the competition. Competitors at the Warm Up shared that the intensity of the European circuit is far beyond what this year’s US version was; however, since it is only in its second year, there is much more opportunity to expand and gain street cred for future editions.

For more information about the “Mille Miglia” click here

To learn more about Creighton Farms, click here for their website.